Displaying 4 Posts categorized under emotional eating

What Your Cravings Really Mean

What Your Cravings Really Mean

Theres nothing like a pandemic to bring out the worst in a craving. Stress has been at superhuman levels. Fear has washed over everyone of us and for many, that meant an increase in sugar, junk food and alcohol. Clients ask me all the time what to do with their …

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Covid Year in Review

It’s hard to believe that it was just a year ago, almost to the day, that we were all preparing ourselves for lockdown. It makes me a little woozy just thinking about it. Realizing how frantic we all were with stocking up on food and worrying about running out of …

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How To Embrace Uncertainty

What a week. No one was immune – uncertainty around the election, Covid cases rising as fast as you can blink, Winter on the horizon, so much indoor time, more alone time, questions over travel, seeing family during the holidays. For me, I can add in uncertainty about my three …

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Avoiding The Quarantine 15

I don’t need to remind you that we are in the middle of a pandemic, do I? Well, hold on. If you live in the North Pole, you may be immune, there’s almost no cases. But here, in the United States, in the Northeast where I live, we are well …

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